Gemini Advertising Campaign

What’s the Best That Could Happen?


Can Shirts Become Yachts? Steven Baltay (TV Commercial)


Can a Lawnmower Become a Lambo? Bryan Brinkman


Can Groceries Become a Private Island? Ruye


Can Salad Become Retirement? Zigor


Can Shoes Become a Private Jet? Christopher Rutledge


I was approached by creative agency Supernatural to create a series of soundtracks for an online and TV add campaign for the Gemini Credit card. These one-of-a-kind Gemini ads, double as NFT art pieces you can buy on Nifty Gateway.

This was an interesting challenge as in addition to enhancing the story of each piece, the sound needed to feel born from the art world whilst connecting with a wider public audience.



Music and Sound Design: Simon Pyke / Freefarm
Advertising Agency: Supernatural


Bryan Brinkman
Steven Baltay
Christopher Rutledge